Wybaczcie mi prosze że nie napisałam wam w piątek że jade do rodziny na wekend ;)
No więc już wiecie, a tu prosze tyle nowości musze wam to wszystko napisać !! :D
Zacznę od tego że Jennette założyła sobie nowego bloga o modzie !!
A oto link do jej bloga : http://poshmob.tumblr.com/
Będziecie wchodzić ?? haha.. xD
Więc co ? Jeśli ktoś nie ma zamiaru wchodzić to dam tu dwie fotki które dodała na ten blog prosz..:
To drugie jest całkiem niezłe..
Ale to pierwsze normalnie cudnie, extra !
A jakie ma ładne włosy !!
Jennette także wzieła udział w teleturnieju ''Figure Out''
To fotka :
+ Jennette przeprowadziła wywiad na temat ostatnich odcinków iCarly
Q: How has Sam has changed over the years?
Jennette: Sam has become more witty than snarky over the years.
Q: Do you have an all-time favorite episode or favorite guest star?
Jennette: My favorite episodes have been “iTwins,” “iWas a Pageant Girl,” and “iGo to Japan” and Jimmy Fallon was my favorite guest star! [Sonja: Wait. Not One Direction?? How is that possible?]
Q: Is there a book you are looking forward to reading this summer?
Jennette: I’m reading a book called A Brief History of Everything. My former on-set school teacher gave it to me, and I am really enjoying it so far. Reading keeps my brain alert and patient. It helps improve my focus and makes me feel smarter, which is always nice.
Q: What books influenced your life to make you who you are today?
Jennette: The five books that have influenced my life are Oh, the Places You’ll Go!, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Little Engine That Could, A Child Called ‘It’, and Harry Potter.
Q: What flavor of ice cream you would invent and what would you name it?
Jennette: Calorie-less cookies and cream . . . “The Stacks” Website.
Q: What is one thing you wish everyone would do to make the world a better place?
Jennette: Smile more. Don’t sweat the small stuff. (Myself included.)
Q: What is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
Jennette: I was hanging at a water park for two hours and my shorts were see-through. Yowzas!
Q: What food could you not live without?
Jennette: Apples and ice cream.
Q: What is your favorite song?
Jennette: My favorite song right now is “Wide Awake” by Katy Perry.
Q: What would a perfect day include?
Jennette: The perfect day would include watching movies, seeing a live comedy show, getting in a good workout, going for a cup of coffee with a friend, reading, and dreaming.
Q: Do you have a personal motto or favorite quote?
Jennette: My personal mottos is, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Then add sugar to taste!”
Postaram sie przetłumaczyć ;) Tym razem na serio..
To wszystko o Jennette teraz o Mirandzie
A więc wczoraj odbyła sie gala Teen Choice Awards !
Miranda była na niej i zdobyła nagrode ! Oto filmik :
No i oczywiście pokaże wam fotki Mirandy z tej gali ;)
Noo to tyle :D
Za dwa dni wyniki ankiet :****
Papa :**
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